
Digital Specialist Diploma

Going digital - the IBMS specialist portfolios are being launched from 4th March 2024 until the 30th June 2024.
Please note

As the specialist portfolios are rolled out digitally, further information will appear on this page. Applications will initially be through the paper application form below which should be sent to

Digital Specialist Portfolio Launch Dates

June 2024
Cellular Pathology Digital Specialist Portfolio
The portfolio will launch on 28 June. An introduction webinar will take place on 24 June 12-1pm, register here>>

Download the digital portfolio document

May 2024
Haematology with Transfusion Practice Digital Specialist Portfolio
Download the digital module document

April 2024
Genomics and Molecular Pathology Specialist Portfolio
Download the digital module document
Please use the Genomics and Molecular Pathology application form for this discipline

Diagnostic Cytopathology Specialist Portfolio
Download the digital module document

25th March 2024
Clinical Immunology Specialist Portfolio
Download the digital module document

4th March 2024
Blood Transfusion Practice Specialist Portfolio
Download the digital modules document


Watch the Digital Specialist Diploma Webinars>>