
IBMS Manifesto

IBMS Manifesto

The power of biomedical science: earlier diagnosis, innovation, global leadership

With over 20,000 members vital to NHS pathology, the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) is the UK’s leading professional body for biomedical science. Our members – biomedical scientists, support workers, associate practitioners, clinical scientists and medics – form the backbone of healthcare diagnostics across 16 essential laboratory disciplines.

This manifesto outlines a clear plan for the next government to maximise the potential of their work and expertise, transforming patient outcomes and strengthening the NHS.

Our vision

We envision a healthcare system where:

  • Patients receive timely, accurate diagnoses, leading to earlier treatment and improved survival.
  • Our members are recognised as indispensable healthcare leaders, driving innovation.
  • The UK is an undisputed global force in diagnostics, attracting investment and talent.

Key Policy Recommendations

  1. Recognise and empower our members
    Formally acknowledge biomedical science as the cornerstone of diagnostics, and the IBMS as the standard-setting body ensuring professional excellence.

  2. Invest in the future workforce
    Support the IBMS Long Term Biomedical Scientist Workforce Plan to build a skilled and sustainable pipeline of qualified talent.

  3. Expand training opportunities
    Introduce a registration training grant to increase training places – retaining graduates and ensuring a skilled, ready workforce.
Early Diagnosis
  1. Tackle cancer backlogs
    Implement the groundbreaking recommendations of the IBMS/AstraZeneca “Time to Test” report, expediting cancer diagnostics for vastly improved patient outcomes.

  2. Harness the power of technology and data
    Optimise existing technology, leverage AI, and prioritise comprehensive data analysis by following the action plan outlined in the IBMS/Microsoft "Digital Pathology and Integrated Care Systems" white paper - driving innovation for reduced costs, increased efficiency, and improved patient care.

  3. Wider, more accessible testing
    Expand point of care and community testing, encourage home-sampling, and introduce targeted screening informed by robust data. Delivered with the support of our HCPC registered members, the acknowledged diagnostic experts, ensuring patient safety and best use of technology and resources.

Pathology lies at the heart of modern medicine. By investing in biomedical science, political parties invest in the future of healthcare.

Our proposals offer a roadmap to:

  • Empower patients
    Give patients earlier diagnoses, faster treatment, and better chances for successful outcomes.

  • Strengthen the NHS
    Reduce backlogs, enhance efficiency, and future-proof our healthcare system against emerging challenges.

  • Deliver on innovation
    Bringing new technology and approaches to healthcare, safely and rapidly.

  • Lead the world
    Maintain the UK's position as a global pioneer in diagnostics and biomedical innovation, attracting investment and benefitting both our economy and our health.

The IBMS stands ready to work with all political parties to make this vision a reality. By committing to pathology, you commit to a healthier, stronger, and more resilient United Kingdom.