
Events on 3 December 2021

Quality control in serology laboratory presentation

Quality control in serology laboratory presentation, given at the IBMS London Branch Virology Discussion Group on 4th June 2019

Point of Care Testing Biopod Vol 1

The IBMS Biopod is a monthly podcast for members. Each episode will feature experts from the field discussing their research and talking about the latest developments.

Every Minute Counts - SHOT webinar

SHOT, BBTS and NBTC joint Webinar

Every Minute Counts

Please join us for our webinar covering the effect of cumulative delays in provision of blood in cases of major bleeding. We will work through an illustrative case to highlight key learning points for clinical and laboratory teams.

This 1-hour webinar is free to access and will include:

- A 40 minute case based presentation by experts from SHOT, BBTS and NBTC Emergency Planning Working Group
- A 20 minute interactive Q&A session