
IBMS Support Hubs 2024

We have organised a collection of engaging and informative sessions, that will run from March to December 2024, covering topics including neurodiversity in the workplace, inter-professional learning, returning to practice, and leadership in pathology.

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24th July - 11th December 2024

This year, our Support Hub series aim to address areas that colleagues raised with us at Congress or during previous webinars. The sessions will feature a range of expert guest speakers, hosted as before by Tahmina Hussain (IBMS Council Member) and Sue Jones (IBMS Executive Head of Education). 

All sessions will run for one hour from 12-1pm. 

Sign up for the 2024 Support Hubs below:

  • 24th July 2024 | Session 5: Cultivating compassionate leadership - building resilient and high performing teams        Register here>>>
  • 21st August 2024 | Session 6: Biomedical Science Recognition - Celebrating excellence and achievement
  • 25th September 2024 | Session 7: Returning to practice
  • 23rd October 2024 | Session 8: Leadership and Management of Laboratory Services
  • 13th November 2024 | Session 9: Interprofessional Education
  • 11th December 2024 | Session 10: Military biomedical scientist careers in the armed forces
View previous sessions here>>