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Troubleshooting in Demonstration Techniques- DPAS Webinar

This is suitable for anyone who has a Biomedical Science, Histotechnology, or laboratory science background and wishes to gain an understanding of cellular components and tissue with regards to their morphology and their ability to perform one or more specific functions.

Troubleshooting in Demonstration Techniques- Retic Webinar

This webinar and associated educational workshop, provides a basic introduction and training in the theory and practice of tinctorial staining techniques used in diagnostic Cellular Pathology laboratories, including Haematoxylin and Eosin stained sections together with the special staining techniques.

Troubleshooting in Demonstration Techniques- Trichromes Webinar

The learning is aimed at students & personnel completing initial learning or qualifications in Cellular Pathology.

Train the Trainer: Verifiers & Specialist Portfolio Assessors

Online training sessions for Verifiers and Specialist Portfolio Assessors.

International Pathology Day 2023

Join The Royal College of Pathologists and their Sponsors, The British Society for Haematology and The Pathologist for a hybrid event in London this November. Themed to explore ‘The impact of climate change on disease and what can be done to tackle the challenges’. Keynote speaker Professor Virginia Murray will be in conversation with the College President, followed by a diverse range of eye-opening talks, a roundtable discussion on the topic ‘Planetary Health’, lunch time activities, a poster competition, which is now open to entries and networking opportunities for in-person attendees. Whether you participate online or in person we look forward to welcoming you to the event.

Introduction to Immunocytochemistry Web

This webinar provides a basic introduction and training in the theory and practice of ICC. Delegates will acquire the knowledge to recognise and assess ICC stained sections used in diagnostic Cellular Pathology. Utilises presentations, hands on and discussion-based sessions.

Practical Mycology Overview

A 2 day lab-based course where participants are taught how to identify a range of pathogenic fungi, including dermatophytes, Aspergillus, mucoraceous moulds, and some less common fungi Date(s) of Activity: 24-25th January 2024

Advanced Immunohistochemistry 2024

The course will provide an in depth knowledge of the more advanced uses of IHC and participants will leave having gained the skills to perform and manipulate IHC on tissue to identify complex/three different antigens/cellular components in a single tissue section.

Beginners Immunohistochemistry 2024

The course will provide a sound knowledge of the basics behind IHC and participants will leave having gained the skills to perform and manipulate IHC on tissue to identify one antigen/cellular component in a single tissue section.

Controlling your Controls Focussed Webinar 2023

This webinar discusses the importance of using control material in the laboratory and how to verify control material.
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