
A time for reflection

A time for reflection
6 December 2021
David Wells looks back over his first six months as Chief Executive of the IBMS

As the year draws to a close, I want to take a moment to reflect on my first six months as Chief Executive of the IBMS…

Having previously held a national seat on IBMS Council, I already knew that our professional body was going above and beyond on our behalf throughout the pandemic. What I think I more fully understand now that I’m here is how this is the outcome of a group of individuals who truly care about our profession.

Even when sitting on Council, it’s easy to imagine that the IBMS disappears when you go back to the busy fray of a day job in healthcare or diagnostics – I can now assure you that it doesn’t! There is a dedicated group of professionals constantly working to get the best services, qualifications and outcomes for you, your career and your profession at large.

The IBMS keeps busy – working with government, devolved administrations, the public, press and politicians and speaking up on the issues that matter to our members most. We use our network of experts to provide informed advice and join round tables to talk about the contribution that the profession makes to society, and what it could be doing in the future.

We work to secure the education and training needs of the future workforce – forging links with the NHS England practice educators, and strengthening links with our colleagues in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, while also sharing our knowledge and standards with our global members.

The work of the IBMS committees and panels is phenomenal – as is their commitment to driving the profession forward. It has been a privilege to meet such a wide range of experts who give up their time to support the profession – from laboratory staff, to academics, to industry professionals – all working to progress, promote and support our members.

If the Council’s strategy meeting is anything to go by, we have an exciting five years ahead of us. Above all, the IBMS intends to keep listening to our members in order to supply whatever they want or need to supplement their careers and to respond quickly and dynamically on their behalf to the very different future that is being laid out before them.

I believe that we’re doing important work and I feel that I’ve joined at a crucial time. I hope to use my position to bring myself and other leaders within the biomedical science community together to enact positive change – making sure that no decisions are made at the cost of our members, our professional standards, or our patients.

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