
Biomedical scientists share NHS70 celebrations

Biomedical scientists share NHS70 celebrations
6 July 2018
Our members posted on social media how they celebrated NHS70

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the NHS. Established in 1948, this public healthcare system has been one of the hallmarks of British culture, providing free healthcare for all.

Across the UK, IBMS members took to Twitter to share their celebrations of NHS70, using the hashtag #NHS70. Here are some of our favourites.

Some members showed their support:






 IBMS member Gayantri visited the Science Museum’s superbugs exhibit. Gayantri commented, 

"I celebrated the NHS turning 70 by reflecting on my 10 years’ service and visiting the National Science museum in London, I wanted to see the "Superbugs" exhibition, however was disappointed that there were no photos of Biomedical Scientists and the vital work they do!"




Other members like Yolanda celebrated with cake:


And the staff at the IBMS held a tea party to raise money for charity:


Some members organised stands and held games with fuzzy microbes to promote biomedical science and the NHS, like Dr Sara Smith, lecturer at the University of Wolverhampton:


 And some like IBMS member Jo Horne celebrated by visiting no. 10 Downing Street


We are delighted to help raise the profile of biomedical scientists and show the valuable work they do in the NHS. 

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