
Documents withdrawn from UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations

Documents withdrawn from UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations
31 October 2016
Eight clinical related guidance documents have been removed from the UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations (SMIs)

On 3rd October, eight clinical related guidance documents were removed from the UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations (SMIs). This was due to the Virology UK SMI templates being expanded in order to include more information in the documents and ongoing work on the User Manual.

The removed documents include:

G 2: Microbiological investigation of patients with acute lymphadenopathy and fever

G 3: Chlamydial zoonotic infections.  The contents of this document have been added into V 57: Chlamydial zoonotic infections.

G 4: Investigation of viral encephalitis and meningitis

G 5: Investigation of hepatitis

G 6: Investigation of vesicular rashes

G 7: Investigation of red rash

G 8: Respiratory viruses

G 9: Investigation of specimens for ectoparasites. The contents of this document have been incorporated into B 61: Investigation of specimens for ectoparasites

These documents are available on request; however viewers are required to read the terms of use on the UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations website before accessing the documents.

A full list of the recalled and withdrawn documents is available on the UK SMIs website. Further changes will be announced on the PHE Twitter page. Should you have any queries please contact the Standards Unit.

The IBMS strives to keep its members aware of the latest guidance reports and documents available. If you have an opinion about these withdrawn documents, we encourage you to discuss this on the IBMS forums.

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