
Information on finding IBMS Verifiers

Information on finding IBMS Verifiers
11 October 2022
As members are asking us for more information, we wish to clarify the 'dos and don'ts' of finding a verifier.

Registration Training Portfolio Verifier Selection Process

IBMS verifiers are registered practitioners who volunteer to assess (verify) IBMS registration training portfolios based on their availability. Wherever possible, we try to adhere to a first-come first-served system whereby the oldest pending verifications are allocated first.

However, occasionally, a training officer might use their own personal or local professional network to ask an IBMS verifier they know to help expedite the process to get their trainee verified and HCPC registered.

To address the current backlog we know we have, in the short term, identifying a local verifier to complete a portfolio verification can be helpful. Going forwards, with more trained verifiers, we expect that the waiting times will go down and there will be no need for this.

Currently, the verifier would either need to respond to the weekly IBMS verification email or submit a new email stating which verification applicant they would be willing to assess and whether it would be a virtual or on-site verification. The verifier would also need to declare that they do not know and were not involved in the training of the trainee whose training and registration portfolio evidence needs to be verified

As part of the standard process, the arrangement then needs to be approved by the IBMS Education Team so that the allocation confirmation can be sent before a date is then scheduled for the verification to take place. Similarly, if a training officer identifies a verifier on the application for verification, then the requirements set out in the paragraph above will also need to be met for the IBMS Education Team to approve their involvement before any arrangements are made.

Unfortunately, a local networking approach is not always equitable to those waiting the longest for verifications. If a verifier has capacity to do a local verification - we would appreciate it if they completed a national verification virtually for a candidate.

Completing verifications outside of your local area and Trusts also has the positive knock-on effect that laboratories and professional networks are expanded, plus different examples of portfolio evidence and training ideas can be shared more widely.

It is important to note that it is not possible to circumnavigate IBMS procedures to arrange a local registration portfolio verification. All applicant and verifier matches must be recorded and approved by the IBMS Education Team prior to any verification taking place.  

It is vital that the quality and standards of training (and the verification of that training) is maintained for our profession. Therefore, the IBMS will continue to coordinate and approve all verification applications.

For further information, please contact

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