
George Cross awarded to NHS staff

George Cross awarded to NHS staff
5 July 2021
The Queen has awarded the George Cross to the National Health Services of the UK, recognising all NHS staff in all four nations

In a personal, handwritten message to award the George Cross to the National Health Service (NHS), the Queen said that NHS staff have carried out their work “with courage, compassion and dedication” for more than 70 years. In her message, the Queen also wrote:

It is with great pleasure, on behalf of a grateful nation, that I award the George Cross to the National Health Services of the United Kingdom. This award recognises all NHS staff, past and present, across all disciplines and all four nations. Collectively, over more than seven decades, they have supported the people of our country with courage, compassion and dedication, demonstrating the highest standards of public service. You have the enduring thanks and heartfelt appreciation of us all.

The George Cross is the civilian equivalent of the Victoria Cross, the highest award for gallantry.

Welcoming the honour, IBMS Chief Executive David Wells said:

It is good to see the great work and huge sacrifices made to ensure that we emerge from the pandemic rewarded by the Queen. Testing numbers in the NHS have continued at the same volumes since the height of the last peak - meaning that many Biomedical and Clinical Scientists have been working at the same pace since March 2020. The biomedical science profession has made a huge and vital part of the NHS effort for which the George Cross is recognition.

This marks only the third occasion on which the George Cross, which may be awarded posthumously, has been awarded to a collective body, country or organisation, rather than an individual. In 1942, the George Cross was conferred on Malta by George VI, in recognition of the fortitude displayed by the island’s inhabitants during enemy bombardments in the Second World War. And in 1999, the Queen awarded the George Cross to the Royal Ulster Constabulary in Northern Ireland, in recognition of the force’s bravery, including the families of those serving.

Details of the presentation of the award will be confirmed at a later date.

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