
IBMS Company Members prizes awarded

IBMS Company Members prizes awarded
6 June 2017
This year’s AGM featured the awarding of Company Members prizes

3rd June marked the seventy-fifth annual general meeting of the IBMS. Held this year at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, this year’s meeting featured the awarding of prizes, including the Company Members prizes.

The Company Members Prize of the Higher Specialist Diploma (HSD)

Since 2007, this prize (a £250 cheque and a certificate) has been annually awarded to the candidates who in their first attempt receive the highest mark in each discipline of the Higher Specialist Diploma examination. For their performance in the 2016 examinations, the following candidates were awarded the prize.

Claire Birnie from Aberdeen Royal Infirmary for the Higher Specialist Diploma in Clinical Chemistry

Joanne Raistrick from Wycombe Hospital in High Wycombe, for the Higher Specialist Diploma in Cytopathology

Patricia Ryan from Wishaw General Hospital, for the Higher Specialist Diploma in Haematology

Sarah Irene Griffin from Belfast City Hospital, for the Higher Specialist Diploma in Transfusion Science

Tonya Bacon from Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich, for the Higher Specialist Diploma in Immunology

Whilst some members were unable to attend this year’s AGM, the Institute wishes to note the awarding to:

Poonam Singh from Charing Cross Hospital in London, for the Higher Specialist Diploma in Cellular Pathology

Diana Jackson from Sheffield Teaching Hospital, for the Higher Specialist Diploma in Leadership and Management

Matthew O’Dwyer from Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth, for the Higher Specialist Diploma in Medical Microbiology.


The Company Members Prize in Diploma of Expert Practice (DEP)

This prize is awarded to the candidate who achieves the highest mark across all Diploma of Expert Practice qualifications.

This prize was awarded to Dr Jemma Wood from the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, who achieved the highest mark across all Diploma of Expert Practice qualifications in Histological Dissection.


The RJ Lavington Prize

This prize (a £500 cheque and a silver medal) was established in 1977 in memory of Richard Lavington, who was General Secretary of the Institute for 22 years. This prize has been annually awarded to the candidate who at the first attempt receives the highest mark in the Higher Specialist Diploma examination across all disciplines.

This year’s prize was awarded to Tonya Bacon who attained the Higher Specialist Diploma in Immunology.

The IBMS congratulates all the prize winners and wishes them the very best luck in their future endeavours.


Pictured above, left to right: Patricia Ryan, Joanne Raistrick, Tonya Bacon, Ian Sturdgess (IBMS President), Sarah Irene Griffin, Claire Birnie.



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