
IBMS gains new student affiliate society

IBMS gains new student affiliate society
3 November 2016
The IBMS is pleased to welcome the University College Cork Biomedical Science society

The University College Cork (UCC) Biomedical Science society is the nineteenth student group to become an affiliate society of the IBMS.

We will look forward to working with the UCC  Biomedical Science society and help guide their members in their academic programmes. The IBMS supports student biomedical science societies and encourages alumni and members to take part in careers events, volunteer and help educate others about biomedical science.

Zeshan Ahmed, former President of the Middlesex University Natural Sciences Academic Society, said a few words about his experience as an IBMS student affiliate society:

“They also provided us with promotional materials including leaflets, sweets and banners for our fresher’s fair, as well as providing all our members with a discounted eStudent membership, allowing access to everything that the IBMS has to offer, from CPD, to education materials and careers advice.”



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