
IBMS Head of Education speaks at EPBS Conference

IBMS Head of Education speaks at EPBS Conference
7 October 2016
On 6 October, IBMS Fellow Alan Wainwright, CSci FIBMS, spoke at the European Association for Professions in Biomedical Science (EPBS)’ annual conference

Alan is a Chartered Scientist and Head of Education at the IBMS, and he was recently appointed to the IFBLS Board of Directors. His talk was entitled: The Role of a Professional Association in CPD: adding value to your CPD experience. Alan used the IBMS as a model for analysing the role of professional associations in defining and endorsing CPD, and addressed some of the challenges encountered in promoting CPD activities to biomedical scientists.

Founded in 1999, the European Association for Professionals in Biomedical Science is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting best practice and ethics for Biomedical Laboratory Scientists across Europe. For more information about the EPBS, click here.

This year’s conference was held in Athens and the theme was CPD: Keeping Biomedical Scientists Fit to Practice. The conference hosted different sessions on CPD featuring employers and managers speaking about promoting CPD among their scientists. There were also presentations on the responsibilities of the professional representative bodies, in addition to talks on the experiences of CPD providers from different countries.

The IBMS promotes and supports CPD activities for biomedical scientists across the UK. For information on the CPD resources available, click here

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