
IBMS member Christine White CSci FIBMS wins Healthcare Science Award

IBMS member Christine White CSci FIBMS wins Healthcare Science Award
20 April 2015
Christine White CSci FIBMS, was presented with the Award for Organisational Lead Scientist of the year at the Healthcare Science Awards 2015.

Christine's award was presented by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, National Medical director for England, and the Chief Scientific Officer Professor Sue Hill OBE.

Christine's innovative and inspirational work as a Technical Manager at Salisbury District Hospital was the focus of her winning citation. Christine was recognised for her influence on clinical practice within and beyond her Trust; working to bring about the first apprenticeship scheme for Medical Laboratory Assistants in pathology and using this knowledge as best practice to inform other widening participation roles in health across the South West region and raising the profile of healthcare scientists with in her Trust.

Christine was delighted that her work had received such high profile recognition: "I was absolutely thrilled to receive the award and to know that the work that I do is recognised and valued.

I have worked hard to highlight the contribution scientists make to services and patients across Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust. We now have a seat on the Clinical Management Board and regularly provide an update to the board regarding the work that we do as healthcare scientists within our many and varied specialities. 

I have tried to raise the profile of scientists in every way I can so that healthcare scientists in our Trust have a voice and input into decision making at the highest levels. We now have input into many committees across the Trust. Our Trust values our opinions and is beginning to understand that we look at issues in a different way and therefore bring a new dimension to decisions making.

I have taken groups of scientists to science fairs at schools to show youngsters that science is exciting and that there are more than doctors and nurses who work in hospitals.  I have spoken to youngsters about healthcare science and about the many and varied careers that are available to them.

Within Pathology, I have championed apprenticeship schemes and we have just recently appointed three level 2 apprentices. I am passionate about the work I do in developing staff and want everyone to reach their true potential. It's hard work and I carry out a lot of it in my own time, but it's also very rewarding.".

IBMS Chief Executive Jill Rodney congratulated Christine on behalf of the IBMS: "It is wonderful to see Christine's hard work and dedication to the profession recognised at the highest level. Christine is a fantastic ambassador for the profession and thoroughly deserves this recognition of her leadership, commitment and skills.".

You can find out more about the Healthcare Science Awards 2015 here.

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