
IBMS recognises innovative research in Parliament with SET Silver Award

IBMS recognises innovative research in Parliament with SET Silver Award
10 March 2015
IBMS President Nick Kirk CSci FIBMS, joined the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee in Parliament to present the Silver Award in Biological and Biomedical Sciences at SET for Britain 2015.

Nick joined the Chair, Andrew Miller MP, and Vice President, Dr Stephen Benn MP, of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee on stage to present Kinda Al-Hourani with the Silver Award for her poster in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences Exhibition. 

Kinda's poster 'Activins and Antiviral Immunity' detailed the findings of her research revealing a previously unknown defence against viral infections, undertaken at the MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford.

SET for Britain is a poster competition that showcases the work and communication skills of early career researchers. The IBMS was delighted to be able to offer support and recognition to early career researchers through our sponsorship of the Silver Award in the Biological and Biomedical poster competition category. 

Kinda was delighted to receive the Silver Award and looked forward to the positive impact it would have in facilitating the completion of her PhD.

Nick Kirk congratulated Kinda on her excellent work: "The IBMS places great value on the work of early career researchers and I am grateful for the opportunity to offer support and recognise the achievements of early career researchers through the Institute's sponsorship of the SET for Britain Silver Award. SET for Britain is an excellent opportunity for biological and biomedical scientists to showcase their research and raise awareness of the valuable work of biomedical scientists and scientists in general to politicians and the public.”

SET for Britain is organised by the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee with the aim of supporting and promoting the work of early career researchers in the UK.

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