
PHE issues National user manual template

PHE issues National user manual template
4 November 2016
The PHE has issued UK SMI U 1: a national user manual template

The PHE has released a new guidance: National user manual template UK SMI U 1.

The template holds headings and suggestions to assist laboratories in completing a National user manual. This template does not relate to any specific condition or syndrome.

This follows a consultation for the development of the UK SMI. The IBMS responded to this consultation with the following comment:

The IBMS broadly supports the concept of the UK SMI National User Manual Template and believes it would be particularly useful for laboratories when reviewing user manuals for ISO 15189 compliance. To this end it is suggested that where appropriate the corresponding ISO standard is quoted under each heading. In addition to this it is recommended that the document needs to make clear that it is a recommendation template that laboratories can choose to use and not a mandate.

A review of other users’ comments can be found here. Should any reviewers not wish their comments included in the comments document, the PHE requests the reviewer contact them directly.

Changes to this will be announced via the PHE Twitter accountShould you have any queries, please contact the Standards Unit

The IBMS aims to bring its members the latest news in reports and consultations issued by government and professional bodies that relate to biomedical science.

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