
The IBMS monthly statement - February 2022

The IBMS monthly statement - February 2022
2 February 2022
In February's statement, David Wells talks about how the IBMS is working to broaden awareness of the value our members bring to society

As the professional body for biomedical science, the IBMS has a responsibility that stretches beyond supporting the practice and careers of our members. We must also make sure that the government and public understand the value of what our members bring to society.

Throughout the pandemic, key decision makers did not appear to understand the value or complexities of having an accredited workforce in a diagnostics laboratory – or how our profession ensures safety, quality, well-being and peace of mind for patients across the UK. However, after continually informing the press and public, we began to make headway and started meeting with policy makers.

With the increased visibility that the IBMS helped to foster, things are looking better, backed up with a wave of funding. More people understand the value of what we do and how we do it but a big part of our next strategy is rightly focussed on taking further action to broaden this awareness.

In order to change the way government and key decision makers think and respond to our role in society, it is essential that we start to build a body of peer reviewed evidence. This is why the IBMS is looking to offer funding for academic research that focuses on the value of having an accredited workforce in the biomedical science professions. Many other areas of the healthcare services are supported by such studies and we want to make sure that our profession is better represented in this regard.

The IBMS is also in the process of employing a Policy Lead. This means that we will have a dedicated expert whose sole responsibility will be to build stronger bridges and increase reach with the government and the relevant healthcare, academic and industrial leaders – constantly making sure that our profession’s concerns, information and advice are reaching the right people in the right ways.

The inroads made over the last couple of years by Past-President Allan Wilson and others on our Council and Specialist Panels were hard won and we have learnt from this that the IBMS needs to establish the evidence and capability to put us on the front foot with politicians, government and policy officials going forward.

While there are challenges ahead, rest assured that the IBMS is busy establishing and building upon our new strengths for the future benefit and support of our members, the profession and patient care.


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