
Survey: Updates in ISO 15189:2022 Standards

Survey: Updates in ISO 15189:2022 Standards
3 June 2024
IBMS member Thomas Phillips recently examined the ISO 15189 standards, addressing any changes or updates from the 2012 version to the latest 2022 release.

His work seeks to understand the implications of these changes for the biomedical community, addressing any concerns raised about the previous standards and evaluating how the new guidelines improve upon them. By engaging the community through feedback and informational resources, Phillips hopes to ensure that the ISO 15189:2022 standards effectively meet the needs of professionals in the field.


His project focuses on several key aspects:

Community Opinions on the 2012 Standards: Phillips began by gathering and analysing feedback from the biomedical community regarding the ISO 15189 2012 standards. This initial step was crucial in understanding any concerns and suggestions from those directly affected by these guidelines.

Differences Between 2012 and 2022 Standards: This project focuses on the significant differences between the 2012 and 2022 versions of the ISO 15189 standards. These updates are essential for professionals to understand how the accreditation requirements have evolved and improved.

Addressing Community Concerns: A major focus of the project is to assess whether the ISO 15189 2022 standards address the issues raised by the community regarding the 2012 release. Phillips' analysis provides a comprehensive view of how these updates aim to resolve past challenges and enhance the standards' effectiveness.

Impact of Informational Interventions: To further engage the community, Phillips created an informational video. This video explains the aspects of the new ISO standards most likely to impact professionals on a daily basis. His goal was to produce a resource that would be relevant and beneficial to a broad audience.

The video serves not only as an educational tool but also as a means to gather further feedback.

Phillips has developed an anonymous survey, encouraging viewers to share their opinions and experiences with the new 2022 standards. This survey will provide valuable data to gauge the community's reception and identify areas for further improvement.

We invite all members of the biomedical community to watch and participate. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of ISO 15189 standards and ensuring they meet the needs of professionals worldwide.

Click here to view and participate in the survey.


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