
World Antibiotic Awareness Week

World Antibiotic Awareness Week
18 November 2016
As World Antibiotic Awareness Week draws to a close, here is what you should know

Taking place on 14-20th November, World Antibiotic Awareness Week is promoted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and organisations around the world. 

In a global campaign, known as ‘Antibiotics: Handle with care’, organisations around the world seek to educate people about antibiotic resistance through communications and events. 

Antibiotic resistance refers to when bacteria alter and resist the antibiotics used to treat infections. Different factors including the increased use of antibiotics have made it possible for bacterial strains to resist antibiotics faster, making some treatments less effective.

By promoting the campaign people can inform others about the seriousness of this issue and how to prevent it by taking action. You can:

  • Prevent infections by washing your hands regularly, keep your vaccinations updated and avoid close contact with sick people
  • If your health worker says you do not need antibiotics, trust their advice
  • Only use antibiotics when prescribed by a certified health professional
  • If you are prescribed antibiotics, do not share them or use leftover ones

WHO explains in a World Antibiotics Awareness Week toolkit that “without urgent action, the world is headed for a ‘post-antibiotic era’ in which common infections & minor injuries which have been treatable for decades can once again kill, & the benefits of advanced medical treatments such as chemotherapy & major surgery will be lost.”

For fact sheets, posters and infographics on this campaign, see the WHO website. Test your knowledge about antibiotic resistance here.

You can follow this campaign online on Twitter at #AntibioticResistance. The IBMS encourages its members to help promote this campaign and help educate the public and other professionals on what they can do to prevent antibiotic resistance.

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