
World Diabetes Day 2016

World Diabetes Day 2016
14 November 2016
Join us in focusing on this worldwide healthcare problem

In honour of World Diabetes Day, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organisation are running a campaign to raise awareness of the growing health threat by diabetes.

The theme of World Diabetes Day (WDD) 2016 is ‘Eyes on diabetes’. The focuses of the campaign are:

  • Screening for type 2 diabetes is important to modify its course and reduce the risk of complications.
  • Screening for diabetes complications is an essential part of managing all types of diabetes.

 You can follow the latest updates about World Diabetes Day by searching for the Twitter hashtags #test2prevent, #eyesondiabetes and #WDD.

To discuss this health issue, Diabetes Professional Care is hosting a conference on 16-17th November in London. Among the questions up for debate are: how can healthcare professionals help the UK population tackle obesity and thus head off the type 2 diabetes crisis?

Diabetes Professional Care founder Maggie Meer said: “Our research highlights what so many of us know – the UK is hurtling towards a major problem. We have the highest level of obesity in Europe and if things don’t change the situation is just going to get worse.

Over the next 20 years, the number of obese adults in the country is forecast to soar to 26 million people and according to health experts, such a rise will result in more than a million extra cases of type 2 diabetes. There’s not going to be a single silver bullet to crack this problem.  That’s why healthcare professionals need to be able to get together to explore, debate and importantly share their own experiences.  It’s only by pooling ideas that a cohesive plan of attack will emerge.”

The IBMS encourages its members to take part in World Diabetes Day and help raise awareness of this global healthcare issue. 

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