
Events on 17 March 2022

Closing Plenary Programme - IBMS Congress 2022

The hidden dangers in the Victorian home
16.00 Dr Suzy Lishman CBE, Consultant Histopathologist and Lead Medical Examiner, North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust
It is a well-known fact that despite our safety-conscious high-tech lives, most accidents still happen in the home. However, take a moment to think back to our Victorian forefathers and the average home became a horror story of hazards and dangers. From the toxic chemicals used in cleaning and even in home remedies to the contents of paint to
the flammability of construction materials and furnishings; there is no doubt the Victorian home was an absolute death trap.
Dr Suzy Lishman CBE is our guest speaker for the Closing Plenary and will be delivering a presentation on ‘The hidden dangers in the
Victorian home’, which was also the subject of a TV documentary. This is an absolutely fascinating talk that will make sharp knives and boiling chip pans look like child’s play in comparison with what our forebears faced once behind their front doors.
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