
Events in 2023

CONGRESS 2023 - What is ISO 22367 and how can it help the laboratory comply with the risk requirements of ISO15189

What is ISO 22367 and how can it help the laboratory comply with the risk requirements of ISO15189

CONGRESS 2023 - It’s life, but not as we know it. Emerging parasitic diseases

It’s life, but not as we know it. Emerging parasitic diseases

CONGRESS 2023 - Targeting HIV where it hurts - progress on vaccines

Effective vaccine must deal with extreme HIV-1 variability and do so without guidance from natural immunity. For HIV-1, vaccines may need to induce both bNAbs and protective CD8+ killer T cells, the latter of which clearly impose a selective pressure on the virus and their protective potential should be harnessed by vaccines. However, not all antibodies and CD8+ T cells are protective; they must target vulnerable parts on HIV-1 proteins.

The central paradigm of the HIVconsvX T-cell vaccine strategy is focusing T cells on the functionally conserved regions of the HIV-1 Gag and Pol proteins, which are very similar among global isolates and harbour fewer escape mutations. At the epitope level, the remaining variability within the conserved regions is addressed computationally by using a bi-valent mosaic. Results of the first trials testing the HIVconsvX vaccine candidates confirmed that conserved sub-dominant and, therefore, underused T-cell epitopes taken out of the context of the whole virus or full-length viral proteins can induce robust and broad T-cell responses when delivered by an effective heterologous regimen such as ChAdOx1-MVA.

Progress towards an effective HIV-1 vaccine has been slow and riddled with many setbacks. However, systematic iterative development of vaccine components for both neutralizing antibodies and effective T cells informed by human data is beginning to pay off by bringing the first encouragements endorsing the field’s overall direction of travel.

CONGRESS 2023 - The metabolic role of Vitamin B12

Delegates will understand:

The pathophysiological aspects of Vitamin B12.
The role of the laboratory in the diagnosis of Vitamin B12 deficiency.

CONGRESS 2023 - Antibody Workshop

Join some of our panel members for our lunchtime session where we will be hosting an antibody workshop. Looking at different types of antibodies and how to positively identify or eliminate any suspected clincially significant antibodies, whilst testing your knowledge and skills.

The aim is to make the session fun and interactive, focusing on some top tips for solving those antibody mysteries.

CONGRESS 2023 - Specialist portfolios: Updated, flexible and achievable

Specialist portfolios: Updated, flexible and achievable

CONGRESS 2023 - The ringworm turns: The emergence of Trichophyton indotineae in the UK

Trichophyton indotinaea is a newly described species of dermatophyte that has emerged with the last 10 years in India, and some Middle Eastern countries. It causes tinea corporis and tinea cruris mainly (ringworm infection of the torso and groin) and can spread to the arms, legs and face. T. indotineae is also characterised by a reduced susceptibility or outright resistance to one of the commonly used and otherwise highly effective antifungals, terbinafine. While high levels of cases are seen in Indida, countries outside of India and the Middle East are now seeing imported cases and the UK is not alone. Working with colleagues in London we have identified signficant numbers of cases and are now understanding how difficult these infections are to treat, even with antifungals that the organism should be sensitive to. Lesions are only superficial, but are itchy and disfiguring, and often relapse after initial antifungal therapy. We are continuing to learn about the epidemiology, transmission, diagnosis and treatment of this emerging infection.

CONGRESS 2023 - How to avoid pitfalls and pass the HSD

The Higher Specialist Diploma (HSD) is the main route for gaining Fellowship (FIBMS) status. In this session I will provide a brief overview of the IBMS Higher Specialist Diploma (HSD) qualification explaining the disciplines that the HSD can be undertaken in, who the qualification is aimed at and how the qualification is assessed.

I will then provide advice and guidance on the completion of the portfolio element of the qualification and explain what a good portfolio looks like. I will also briefly explain how to prepare for the exam element of the qualification. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions about the HSD.

CONGRESS 2023 - Mismatch Repair (MMR): Ten years of EQA experience

Delegates attending this presentation will:

Receive an overview of the clinical history of MMR/Lynch Syndrome, EQA and data from UK NEQAS ICC & ISH
Gain a better understanding of the importance of MMR testing and the UK NEQAS ICC & ISH assessment process.
The presentation will also focus on acceptable and not acceptable tests, and the importance of ideal controls.

CONGRESS 2023 - EQA: What’s happening?

EQA: What’s happening?
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