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Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) Webinar - Highlights From The Recent National Comparative Audits of Blood Transfusion

The National Comparative Audit (NCA) of Blood Transfusion is the largest programme of clinical audits of blood transfusion in the world and is funded by NHS Blood and Transplant in England. Please join us for our webinar where the NCA team will present the findings from 3 National Comparative Audits and the SHOT team will provide insights from haemovigilance reporting:

• 2018 audit of the use of fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate and transfusions for bleeding in neonates and older children – Dr Helen New
• 2019 Re-audit of the medical use of red cells – Dr Andrew Charlton
• 2021 audit of NICE Quality Standard 138 – Professor Mike Murphy and John Grant-Casey

BAC Cytology Webinar

Intraoperative cytology of the female genital tract: an alternative to frozen sections?

BGS Transfusion Conference

BGS Transfusion 2022 will take place on the Jubilee Campus, Nottingham University from 25th to 27th April 2022.

IBMS Congress 2022

Delivering science, celebrating achievement

IBMSPOD - Episode 14

Cell lines, haematology and the Great British Bake Off with Yan Tsou & Reverend Christopher J Lee

Biomed Online Learning courses 2022

Biomed Online courses delivered over 12 weeks in following subjects:
• Advanced Human Genetics
• Analysis of Nucleic Acids
• Antibiotics
• Applied Haemostasis and Thrombosis
• Blood Transfusion
• Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analysis in Healthcare Settings
• Clinical Data Interpretation
• Diabetes and the Clinical Laboratory
• Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
• Diagnostic Haemostasis and Thrombosis
• Governance and Risk Management
• Haemoglobinopathies
• Haemolytic Anaemias
• Haematological Malignancies
• Immunocytochemistry in Diagnostic Cellular Pathology
• Implementing Advanced Quality Management
• Lung Disease
• Management of Healthcare Associated Infection
• Managing Learning and Development in Healthcare
• Parasitology
• Point of Care Testing
• Quality Systems Management
• Renal Disease
• Robotics and Automation

Microbiology Society Annual Conference / 2022

Annual Conference 2022 sees the Society return to its in-person annual meeting format following a two-year hiatus due to the global health crisis. Annual Conference is designed to cover the breadth of microbiology research and its comprehensive scientific programme has over 30 sessions taking place across four days in a range of formats, including: symposia, virus workshops, prokaryotic and eukaryotic fora, and more.

Weqas Annual Conference 2021

One and a half day scientific conference for participants enrolled in Weqas EQA programmes.

Targeted learning consisting of EQA interpretation, clinical cases and topical scientific lectures.

Biomedical Scientist Empowerment and Discussion Group: Meeting #13, Special Requirements 2021

This group is designed for professionals to talk about the laboratory elements of Blood Transfusion. It promises to be a safe space for learning and development for newly qualified biomedical scientists and those new to transfusion science.

At this meeting, we will be joined by Specialist Biomedical Scientist, Helen Thom of NHSBT RCI. Helen will be leading an education session and discussion on blood group antibody identification.

IBMSPOD - Episode 13

Comedy, Haematology and Andrology with Dave Spikey and Sheryl Homa
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