



Application date extended for Scottish Microbiology Association bursary

12 December 2016
The Scottish Microbiology Association bursary application deadline has been extended to 24 February 2017

Book now for HSD candidate preparation day

12 December 2016
IBMS announces information on its preparation day for candidates taking the Higher Specialist Diploma.

Applications open for 2017 CSO Awards

7 December 2016
Apply now for the 2017 CSO Awards

Certificate of Expert Practice applications update

7 December 2016
An update on applications for Certificate of Expert Practice Online qualifications

JBL December deadlines extended

6 December 2016
The deadlines for the December JBL tests have been extended

Alison Geddis CSci FIBMS affirmed as IBMS President Elect

5 December 2016
IBMS member Alison Geddis CSci FIBMS has been affirmed as President Elect of the IBMS

IBMS member honoured at HSJ Awards

5 December 2016
Biomedical scientist Luminita Maxwell Georgescu was honoured at the HSJ Awards

Reissued consultation: SMI V 11: HIV screening and confirmation

5 December 2016
The consultation SMI V 11 on HIV screening and confirmation has been reissued

New student affiliate society joins IBMS

2 December 2016
Nottingham Trent University Biomedical Science Society joins the IBMS as the newest student affiliate society

NICE releases protocol on ovarian cancer diagnostic tests

1 December 2016
Read about the NICE protocol on ovarian cancer diagnostic tests
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