



IBMS response to BBC report

1 April 2020
We felt we should respond to the BBC report that hospitals are being urged to use "spare laboratory space" to test self-isolating NHS staff

Joint statement regarding workforce response to coronavirus

31 March 2020
Professor Dame Sue Hill, Chief Scientific Officer, has released a joint statement with Dr Rob Orford, Professor Ian Young and Karen Stewart, Healthcare Science Officer, Scottish Government

Scottish Government pauses health screening programmes

30 March 2020
The Scottish Government is temporarily pausing some health screening programmes

COVID-19 - recommendations for laboratory work

29 March 2020
The IBMS, in collaboration with professional bodies RCPath, ACP and ACB, have issued joint guidance on the prioritisation of pathology testing during the COVID-19 pandemic

HCPC to switch on temporary registration

27 March 2020
The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) will switch on temporary registration for 20,932 former health and care professionals and final year students

IBMS advice to programme leaders, students and placement providers

25 March 2020
IBMS shares advice to programme leaders, students and placement providers/trainers

UKAS update: managing accreditation during COVID-19

25 March 2020
The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) provides an update for organisations on how to manage your accreditation in response to COVID-19

Letter of support for key workers

24 March 2020
IBMS Chief Executive Jill Rodney has written a letter of support for our members seeking education provision for their children during the COVID-19 pandemic

New direct debit instructions

24 March 2020
Please see our new direct debit instructions for members

HCPC COVID-19 temporary register

19 March 2020
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the HCPC is working with the UK Government to create a COVID-19 temporary register
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